Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Sandhill Crane

Taken from the bird watch trip on Sunday.

I felt so amateur when I went to the bird trip. When I went there, I brought my backpack full of snacks. Howard also brought a backpack, but it's a camera bag full of lenses. He has a very nice camera body and three huge lenses in it. Compared to his, my camera is just like a toy. :( Eagleye and Big Iron Hammer also took their digital SLR with big lenses. My camera takes long time to store the image, making me feel so embarrassing when I tried to take the flying birds' pictures. Big Iron Hammer just made continuous shots of the flying swans, I can hear his sexy shutter speed sound -- "click click click" one after one. And for me, after so many try, I finally grab a good view of the flying by sandhill crane, but when I'm ready to take the second shot, all the birds are gone. :(