Monday, February 07, 2005

Bird Watch/Photo Trip

Red Tail Hawk

I went to a one day bird watch/photo trip to central valley yesterday. It's organized by CCCClub (California Chinese Camera Club). I just joined the club several days ago through the online forum I've always been to. It was a nice trip, I get to learn all kinds of birds, also get to know some new friends -- eagleye, Howard, 鸡婆and 大铁锤。鸡婆is an expert in Bird watching. He brought this big expensive telescope with him. And thanks to him, we can finally get a clear view of the birds since all the birds are so far away :(. He also taught us how to distinguish 鹰(hawk) from 鹫(vulture). When both kinds glide in the sky, vulture's wings turn into V shape while hawk's stay flat. And vulture will rock a little bit from side to side when it glides while hawk doesn't. It's pretty cool after I learned this, now I can tell whether it's a hawk or vulture in the sky now. :)