Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

I celebrated 2006 New Year in Salt Lake City with my friends. We had a big new year eve dinner in a very nice restaurant -- 6 or 7 courses, very delicate. It took us almost 4 hours to finish the dinner; we had two bottles of wines. We were chatting during dinner time, joking around and laughed a lot. Suddenly, I heard claps behind my back, we turned around. I saw there is a young couple sitting by the table behind us, the young man just proposed to the pretty girl. The girl was still in shock; her hands were covering her mouth, tears on her face. She looked so beautiful with a diamond ring on her finger. The waitress rushed to the table, asking her "What did you say? Did you say 'Yes'?" She nodded and kept crying. Then somebody from our table sighed and made a comment about us -- "What a looser we are, stuck with each other on New Year's Eve!" Then the atmosphere started to cool down, everyone got into silence.

12 O'clock, the band started to sing, a waitress came in and gave each of us a "Happy New Year!" hat. We all wore it. People passed by the restaurant window and looked inside, they all looked happy. They gave us big smiles and shouted "Happy New Year!" to us. We smiled and waved back. But my heart felt very heavy. 3 glasses of wine didn't even make my heart feel a little lighter at all. I asked for Apple Martini. Restaurant is about to close, but I still want to drink more. We went to a bar; I had two tequila shots, not working at all. I'm more and more resistant to alcohol now -- bad sign. Felt really sad, just wanted to find a club to drink and dance the whole night, but this is Utah.

So this is my 2006 New Year’s Eve, feeling sad, not a good start! I really wish something could change, but how? Will I be able to change it?

2006 New Year Eve Salt Lake City