Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Redwood National Park -- Crescent City

Camping的第二天晚上我们计划在crescent city吃晚饭。因时间还早,我们顺便又转了转crescent city的pier和Battery Point Lighthouse。到的时候正值黄昏,也是一天中光线最美的时候,景色令人感动。我激动地拿着相机跑先跑后,照了不少照片。

Crescent City Pier

We are going to have dinner at crescent city the second night while we stayed at redwood NP. Since the time is still early that afternoon, we dropped by the pier and batter point light house. Sun was setting right at that moment when we got there, everything looked so beautiful. I walked around light house and pier, running back and forth just to catch the most beautiful moment.

这是Battery Point Lighthouse旁的一棵树,树上挂满了船上的浮标。我一直在想为什么人们会在这个树上挂满浮标? 是像橡树上挂着的黄丝带--妻子们默默祈祷远航的丈夫平安归来,还是只是像圣诞树起装饰作用呢?可惜灯塔已经关门了,树旁也没有对这些浮标的解释。

Bouy at Battery Point Lighthouse

When we got to the light house, it's already closed. There is a big tree standing next to the light house, with many buoys hanging on it. Not sure why people hang the buoys on the tree, is it just for luck? Like the yellow ribbon on the tree -- wives waiting for their husband coming back from the Pacific Ocean safely? Or just for decoration, like Christmas tree with all the ornaments?



Last sun ray faded away ...